Geeky Catholic Sunday: The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2019

Gospel Reading: Luke 5:1-11

Highlight: "When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their nets were tearing."

Reflection: Once Simon Peter got over his pride and submitted to Jesus, he was met with overwhelming results. For someone whose livelihood had always depended on catching a lot of fish, I have to imagine that Peter was both excited and a little terrified. After all, if the nets tore, they would not only lose that day's haul, but they would also lose the equipment they needed to catch any more fish. God has great plans for us. Sometimes, while he is accomplishing these plans through us, we experience "tearing." Maybe it is the fracturing of relationships with people who refuse to follow Christ. Or perhaps it is the fear that comes with stepping outside our comfort zones. But if we keep Jesus in our boat, he will make sure we get through it all. And then we will be able to enjoy the fruits of our (but mostly God's) labor!

Geeky Quote: "Swim down!" - Nemo, Finding Nemo

Prayer: Jesus, help me to follow your plan, regardless of the pain I may experience along the way. Amen.

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